Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10 Things Twosday: Random

I have been truly horrible at keeping up with the blog.  I could use alot of excuses, (VP of my local twins club and VP of state twins club, working part-time since after Labor Day, being in charge of the Fall TMOMs Sale - which just about did me in) but that is what they are - excuses.  I have resolved to do a better job and keep up with this!!
Anywhoo, I came up with this idea several days ago driving in the car.  I saw on a multiples site the word "twosday' and thought it was so stinkin' cute and it has been in my head for many months.  While driving it just popped in my head - 10 things twosday- list 10 things related to one or both boys, themed or random.  I haven't seen it anywhere on other blogs I've stalked, so I am hoping I am truly original.  I am also, might I add, pretty darn proud of myself!  haha...
Here we go!
1.)  Walking into preschool this morning - we got out of the truck and they immediately wanted "hats on" - so of course, I do my mommy part and put their hoodies on.  I couldn't resist sneaking a pic.  My little men are growing up too fast!
 Carrying "mapmats"
They love climbing the stairs.
2.)  They love to put their "lovies" on their heads and I admit, I love it too.  I call them my little Hebrew boys because when they do it they look like Biblical characters.  Hunter wouldn't keep his head still and Braden covered his whole face.  And of course my phone is better than any DSLR out there, bar NONE! 

3.) For some toddler reason they think the best thing in the world (well, one of them) is dumping their tub of legos on the floor.  Even better is when they decide to both kick them in opposite directions all over.  and giggle the entire time.  and think I should be laughing with them.
4.) Braden is a great helper when we clean up toys.  Hunter is a great supervisor.
5.)  We started preschool this Fall (2 days a week) and they love it.  They have not cried so far when I have dropped them off, which has truly pleased me.  They are very super excited to see me when I come to get them, but I am always the last mom to get them since I also teach there and have to wait until most of my class is picked up.
6.)  Speaking of preschool, never in all the world have there been 2 more beautiful and divine works of art!

7.)  They talk to each other frequently and most things I understand.  However, they have a few syllables they say that I, for the life of me, can't figure out what they mean.  They just talk and talk and constantly say "yeah, _____" and have these super long conversations in gibberish!  B will say something and H will say one of several affirmative words and vice-versa.  I am confused, bewildered and in love simultaneously!
8.)  Hunter has started this thing lately where he will start counting from 3 to 5 or up to 7..  So I start and say '1', then he says '2', I say '3', he says '4', and so on all the way to 10.  The whole time he is looking at me with a grin from California to Massachusetts and when we finish he says, 'again!'.  He could go forever if I would cooperate.
9.)  It has to be a boy thing - there is no other explanation.  They received a Thomas the Train playset for Christmas last year from Uncle Craig.  They never really played with it a whole lot until about 2-3 months ago (and by play with it we all know I really mean have daily WWIII over the engine and cargo car).  Probably about 3 months prior to that, they would see a train when we were driving and get all excited about "choo-choo!!"  This fascination has intensified for the last 6 months.  Trains now rule our world of toys.  oh and balls.  and balloons (that is another post for another day - maybe 2 posts to fully grasp the addiction). and books - which makes mama's teacher heart supremely happy.
10.)  They love school buses.  When we see them in the morning (and in the afternoon on the way home from preschool), they get so excited - "big big bus!"  One day they asked me (and kept asking) where it went and out of frustration I said, "they are going back to the bus barn".  All I heard was an "oh".  Well, they remembered.  Not often, but every now and then, they will see one and out comes, you guessed it, "bus barn".  (to full appreciate, there is a 1.5 second delay between the 2 words)
bonus.)  Just because I want to, I am adding one more, in honor of this being the 1st 10 Things Twosday (hehe).  The past 2 days they have looked at each other (I assume - I don't really know for sure) and tell me "done jeans" and bring them to me and walk around in their top and diaper.  Since I knew I was doing this post, I tried to snap a picture.  Of course, they were not cooperative. 

      Until I write again, 




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