Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday Funnies

I have tried to get to the computer to write this post since Saturday morning and now, Monday evening, I am finally able to!  It's a busy, busy, beautiful, fun, incredible life I have.  I was inspired to write this Friday at lunch:  the boys like to dump the food off their plates onto the table and put the plate on their heads.  Normally I would tell them that isn't what we do with our food, and together (mostly me) we put it back on their plates.  Instead I decided, at that very moment, to just let it go:  it wasn't a messy lunch and they were just being 2 year olds.  I took a couple of pictures and hoped prayed they wouldn't take my photography as validation.  So lunch is finished, they are napping, and I wrote down what happened.  I then wrote down a few things from the morning and kept my list running until they went to bed.  Here are a few of the giggles I experienced from my little monkeys:

 ~ at some point in the morning, for no apparent reason to me (has to be the twin thing), they would point a finger at each other, make a high pitched squeal sound that I'm sure every dog in town heard, and then would laugh hysterically!  I don't remember who started it, but the second one didn't miss a beat!

 ~ I was in the kitchen doing some random act that took 30 SECONDS to do and as I come out of the kitchen around the corner, I discover they have both ripped off both pants & diapers and are streaking around the house running faster than lightning.  Giggling beyond control, you would have thought it was Christmas morning.  I'll never understand the boundless joy that gives them.

 ~ of course, the plates on their heads at lunch thing I described above

 ~ I have foam mats from when they were first learning to sit up (we have wooden floors in the living room and I thought a little cushion might be a little loving on my part)...anyway, now they find a million and one uses for those things.  Friday morning's choice was taking 1 square (each square's side is 23 inches) and pulling the sides up around their body.  They thought they were so funny and the only thing it reminded me of was a hotdog in a hotdog bun.  Random thought, I know.

 ~ My fav: I was laying on the couch and told Braden, "come give mommy a kiss".  He came over and kissed his mommy and then the kicker: walked over to Hunter and practically carried him to me (about 6 steps) so Hunter could kiss me too.  LOVE that kid so much!  He has a heart of gold and God has given him a heart of compassion and caring.  Some people may not see it, but I as his mama KNOW it is there.

Sometimes the days can seem long and difficult, but I'm so thankful for days like Friday:  when my precious angels make me laugh and tickle my soul.

     Until I write again,

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