Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daddy's Little Helpers

Rain rain go away...come again another day!!  It has rained all week and we are quite ready for a good dose of sunshine.  Last Friday, the 16th, Troy decided to mow the yard since we knew the monsoon was coming.  The boys had been given toy lawn mowers from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Paul for their birthday, and I thought this would be the perfect time to break them out and have them "help" Daddy with the lawn.

Hunter inspecting his new toy!

Braden checking it out!
They weren't quite sure what to make of them at first, but after I turned a few knobs and pulled the "starter cord" (or whatever it is called), they seemed to think they were pretty cool.  

Doing a test drive.

Hey mom, everything works!
By this time Troy had the mower out of the garage and was ready to go.  I told the boys to follow daddy and help him with the lawn.  Must be a boy thing - they turned around and followed as if instinctively knowing what to do!

Gotta get the ball out of the way so I don't run over it!
Probably my fav shot of the night...Love my boys so much!
It was so funny to watch - Troy would do a section of our incredibly large backyard: Braden would be all over it, wanting to follow Troy's path, and Hunter was content to stay a bit behind.  If Troy starting mowing in the opposite direction of Braden, Braden would look at me and say "again, again" and a little reassurance that Daddy was coming back was all he needed.  When Troy was mowing towards us, Hunter would want no part of it, getting as far away as he could!

Making sure Daddy didn't miss a spot.
Watching Daddy - yup, the grass seemed almost as tall as them!
Restarting the mowers after a rest break.
Following Daddy - he was so serious and loved every minute!
We moved to the front and Troy got that taken care of....meanwhile the boys decided it was fun to watch their mowers roll the the hill (our front yard is pretty much a 45 degree angle).  I didn't mind as long as they didn't roll on the street and then I had to go chase them.  They would giggle as their toys rolled down and then they would go get them and start all over.

Braden carrying his up the hill - LOVE the tongue!

Simple joys last Friday....2 little boys who want to be just like their Daddy!

     Until I write again,


  1. Such cute pics for a GREAT day to be like Daddy :)

  2. Great pics! Blog is coming along great!!! :)
