Friday, March 16, 2012

Get This Party Started!

March 16, 2012

   This is it!  Today is the day I enter the 'blogosphere', the day I begin to write my second favorite love story.  The first, of course, is the story of Troy and I.  The second is of my precious, fabulous, very much loved and very much wanted twin boys, Braden Robert and Hunter Isaac.  I have wanted to write a blog for and about them for over a year and a half now, and for various reasons, didn't.  A couple of weeks ago I decided to just jump in and swim.  For me, that was a little easier said than done ~ I am soo not a computer/techy person.  I can figure a little bit out, but I pretty much learn by a combo of watching and doing.  My friend Blair offered to help - we scheduled a playdate for the boys and I loaded up my laptop and went to her house.  Well, we had a time trying to figure out using her wireless (remember, not the techy person), so we gave up and decided she would come to my house.  One week later, voila!  I need to fiddle with some stuff and get used to it, but I think I've got a bit of a foundation. 
   As of now, my boys are 25 1/2 months.  So much has happened since they were born and so much has happened on our journey to parenthood.  I am writing this 1. for me - I love to write and 2. for them - yes, I love to scrapbook and they will one day get albums with cute pages of pictures and captions, but a photo album doesn't tell a story like words can.  My thoughts and words, their life.  Mine is the design, theirs the inspiration.      
   Even now as I write this, they are back in their cribs.  They should be sleeping, but one has been up for 2 hours, fighting his yawns.  The other is now awake (no doubt thanks to brother) screaming "paaaccceeeeee", probably able to see it on the floor just beyond reach.  Just a bit ago I ran to their room & took some video at their door of them talking to each other ~ just a black screen with 2 little voices ~ capture this short window where not all their words are yet clear, nevertheless, music to my ears.  I know one day soon I will miss these days and long for when Braden would tell me a whole story and I couldn't decipher one word, or when Hunter would ramble on in some combination of words I know and a dialect of babyese that I haven't yet mastered.+++++++++++++++++++ That was from Braden - I have gotten up from this seat several times since I started writing.  I was going to delete it and then thought I would keep it - a reminder of why I will sit at the computer. 
   "Yes, but it's a good full" - the name I chose for the blog, mostly because I say it almost everytime we are out and about.  Being a mom of twins I am constantly stared at, talked to, talked about in a voice they think is quiet but loud enough for me to hear; basically, you are a traveling circus.  I won't write down all the things I have had said to my face, but now that they are older, the most common is "you must have your hands full" and "double trouble".  I detest the double trouble, and I think the former is probably what most people say because it seems safe or they don't know what else to say.  The first time I heard it I responded with "yes, but it's a good full" and have used it since.  I don't mind when people say that - it isn't offensive and I've had a few interesting conversations with various folks.  It is honestly how I feel - I am blessed to be part of an exclusive club - a mom of twins - and I wouldn't trade it for the world!  My hands are full and at times it is hard but they are my precious miracles and life couldn't be sweeter. 
   Until I write again,

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Wonderful World of BLOG! Looking forward to more posts!
